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Adam Treat: Qt# 0.5 has been released
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Posted by staff on Thursday, October 03 @ 12:46:00 EDT (73 reads)
Adam Treat, the leader of the Qt# project to bring mono and .NET bindings to the Qt toolkit, has announced release of version 0.5. His announcement follows.
Rolling your own XFree86 from CVS
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Posted by staff on Wednesday, October 02 @ 22:44:22 EDT (857 reads)
It's a good idea to compile your own XFree86 once a year, whether you need to or not.
For one thing, features actually do get added to XFree from time to time. For another, the terror felt by many at the mere mention of compiling XFree86 is something that ought to be defused. And then there is the secret.
An old friend moves on
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Posted by staff on Wednesday, October 02 @ 11:53:25 EDT (1369 reads)
The view from the desktop
by Dennis E. Powell
Ike Adams died over the weekend.
I suppose he was about due. He was 88 and his health had been none too good these last few years.
Kapital 1.0, personal finance package for Linux, is released
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Posted by staff on Monday, September 30 @ 16:39:08 EDT (5498 reads)
One of the perennial reasons given by would-be Linux users as preventing their move away from other operating systems is the absence of a good Quicken-like application.
TheKompany.com hopes to have eliminated that barrier to migration with today's release of its Kapital personal finance software.
Project of the week: MindGuard
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Posted by staff on Monday, September 30 @ 12:54:51 EDT (1247 reads)
We live in paranoid times. Threats that once seemed inconceivable are now a matter of serious concern. People are using PGP or GPG to sign their messages even to mailing lists, lest it be thought that the nothing they have to say is being said by someone else under their names. Tens of thousands of people suspect, and dozens more feel certain, that government agencies are monitoring their every keystroke.
For such persons, there is MindGuard.
IBM offers $125,000 Linux apps
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Posted by staff on Monday, September 30 @ 10:41:52 EDT (784 reads)
International Business Machines Corporation has released its "WebSphere Commerce Business Edition Version 5.4 for the SuSe Linux operating system," at a price of $125,000 per processor.
Microsoft Legal Responsibility: Coming Soon to a Dream Near You!
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Posted by staff on Saturday, September 28 @ 10:30:14 EDT (2371 reads)
Rant Mode Equals One
by Paul Ferris
First it was a weak value proposition.
It wasn't.
Then Linux was insecure.
Well, compared to Microsoft products, just about anything is a fortress.
The best application you'll never use
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Posted by staff on Wednesday, September 25 @ 14:10:26 EDT (3993 reads)
The view from the desktop
by Dennis E. Powell
So why is this guy Powell all the time railing on about how developers are wasting all kinds of resources to little effect, when there were better applications most of a decade ago that did more and faster?
And what is this DeScribe thing he keeps talking about?
Read on. Your questions will be answered.
Head of SCO Group in UK to push open source
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Posted by staff on Tuesday, September 24 @ 11:09:55 EDT (372 reads)
The head of the SCO Group is in London, where he has spoken to the UK's Commonwealth Business Forum on the value of open source software in government IT departments.
Climbing the family tree: Linux genealogy applications
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Posted by staff on Tuesday, September 24 @ 00:55:39 EDT (2521 reads)
There is nothing quite like this week's broadcast of The Civil War on PBS to spark one's imagination, and curiousity as to where in history one's forebears found themselves. (Indeed, it was the first night's broadcast that led Linux and Main's editor to go looking on the Web and find his great grandfather's picture, in his 81st Indiana Volunteers regalia, no less.) Those in other countries may well find other sources of inspiration, but no matter the motivation the quest is worthwhile.
The Web is a tremendous source of information, and can prove highly satisfying to the armchair researcher-cum-detective. But as you gather information, what can you do with it?
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Sunday, September 22 | · | The week that was: IBM, UnitedLinux, Palladium, Sun, US Gov't (0) |
· | Wiresoft to offer automatic Linux kernel upgrade (0) |
Saturday, September 21 | · | Let's Not Forget Our Roots (0) |
Friday, September 20 | · | Project of the week: RATS (0) |
· | Palladium: Now AMD joins the party (5) |
Wednesday, September 18 | · | McNealy: All your client architecture are belong to us! (2) |
· | U.S. gov't cybersecurity draft released; comment invited (0) |
· | UnitedLinux: Ransom Love is out; open beta this month (0) |
· | Linux: desktoperating system reborn (6) |
Tuesday, September 17 | · | SuSE announces 8.1 (0) |
· | UnitedLinux to announce new manager, perhaps respond to IBM (1) |
Monday, September 16 | · | Jeff Waugh: [RSN #2] The Considerable Duck's Airspeed Record (0) |
· | Southern California Linux User Groups to sponsor expo (0) |
Sunday, September 15 | · | The week that was: Intel and MSFT, OpenSSL, Sun-GNOME, KDE (0) |
· | GNOME-2.02, GARNOME 0.16.0 released (0) |
Saturday, September 14 | · | Editorial: Intelligent desktop integration (2) |
Friday, September 13 | · | OpenSSL exploit reported in the wild (0) |
· | KDE merchandise offered; proceeds to fund development (0) |
Thursday, September 12 | · | Project of the week: Scribus -- promising desktop publishing application (2) |
· | Cringely to GPL ''Nerd TV'' (1) |
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